Tuesday, March 16, 2010

lisa leonard

Lisa Leonard is giving away a "Marked by Love" necklace on her blog. Go check it out for details to win!!

The Design Girl is also giving away a Lisa Leonard "Single Tag Keychain" on her blog. Go check it our for details to win!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katy!!

    So good to hear from you (although I feel like I know all about your life from your blog)! Yes, I did take that picture at Kyle's parents' lakehouse last year. It's an Indian Paintbrush I believe....

    I had a designer augment one of her templates to accommodate a larger writing space...I just wanted to be able to post MUCH larger pictures and she did a great job working with me to create what I wanted!

    I LOVE your senior pictures...they look so great! you will have to share some of your photography tips! :-) I love taking pictures so much, but I still feel like such an amateur!

    Hope you are doing well!
