Monday, March 08, 2010

meal planning monday

I'm normally really good at sticking to my meal plan. Last week I didn't get to two of my meals, so you'll see two repeats in my meal plan this week.

Tuesday: Baked Spaghetti, French Bread, & Salad

Wednesday: Chicken on the Grill, Corn on the Cob, & Baked Potatoes

Thursday: Taco Pockets

Friday: Twisted Root w/ The Hoopers

Saturday Breakfast: PW's Orange Marmalade Rolls

Saturday Lunch: Corn Dogs

Saturday Dinner: Crescent Chicken & Veggies

Sunday Lunch: Crab Triangles & Chicken Noodle Soup

Sunday Dinner: Crockpot Salsa Chicken Tostadas & Homemade Hot Sauce

I need some new ideas so link up this week and tell me what you are having this week for dinner!!


  1. On the taco pocket blog, did you read the comment about dessert? Put a bite size candy bar in one of the cresant rolls & then bake. That kind of sounds like that yummy dessert we ate at Pie-in-the-Sky in Nashville. I don't think you were there, but it was about my favorite dessert ever. I think they used Milky Way Bar (which I don't even like)MMMMmmmmmm

  2. Let me know how the baked spaghetti turns out. It looks good, but realllllllly fattening

  3. Looks yummy!

    Have you been to Twisted Root yet? That place is SO delicious! I'd go there just for their chipotle ketchup and root beer! :)

  4. Mom-I didn't look at the comments below, but that does sound delcious. We just might have to try that!!

    Ash-I'm not too concerned that it's fattening. It's all about portion control!! It's not that much worse than just plain spaghetti, but I'll definitely let you know how it tastes. I bet Carson would love it!!

    Ryan- I haven't been to Twisted Root. I'm really excited now, I was excited about the sweet potato fries. I didn't know about the rootbeer and chipotle ketchup!!

  5. If you got to, there are great crockpot recipes. I LOVE to use the crock so dinner is practical ready when we get home.

  6. Thanks for sharing the taco pockets...I never would have seen that blog on my own. I had planned to make tacos this week already, but when I saw the pockets I decided to try those. 1: I love cresents and 2: I pretty much always have cresents on hand so it made that easy. They were yummy!
