Sunday, March 28, 2010

a whole week without blogging??

.....that's just not like me.....

I had major bloggers block this week. I didn't really have anything to blog about and I just didn't really feel like blogging. It has been the weirdest week. I feel like it has been the longest week ever yet I haven't gotten much accomplished this week.

Matt was out of town Sunday through Wednesday night so that kind of threw my week off. I survived my first nights without him though. This trip was the first time I had slept at home by myself. It was very weird and quiet without him here. I missed him so much and he was only gone 3 nights. I really have no idea how military wives do it. Amber, Ashley & Martha ya'll are strong women.

Hopefully I'll have some yummy recipes, fun pictures or funny stories to share this week!!

Happy Sunday!!

1 comment:

  1. I kept checking... I missed your blogging! Lol.

    Happy week!!!
