Tuesday, April 20, 2010

easy as 123

1. Stick a toothpick into each grape tomato.

2. Slice fresh basil and slide a piece below each tomato.

3. Cut fresh mozzarella into bite size pieces and slide below the basil.

Okay, maybe it's as easy as 123.....4!!

4. Drizzle Balsamic Vinegar over the top.



  1. Anonymous2:28 AM

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  2. Omg I stumbled upon your blog from Pearls, Handcuffs and Happy Hour which I found through another blog... I LOVE, LOVE your blog!!!! I love to cook, create and use great ideas to make life more fun. I can't wait to try some new recipes! Thanks for taking the time to blog so we can enjoy it :) I paint wine glasses for a living {tough job I know!} you can take a peak at my work http://www.jlynnsgiftboutique.com and my canvas art is at http://firefliesandcutiepies.com So excited I have a new blog to follow! Thank you!!!!

  3. wow that looks sooooo good:)
