Monday, April 19, 2010

meal planning monday

Monday: Can't Miss Talapia, Veggies, & Rice

Tuesday: Asian Chicken, Mashed Potatos, & Green Beans

Wednesday: Spaghetti with Sauteed Chicken and Mozerella & Basil Skewers

Thursday: Dinner Date with Friends?

Friday: Roast, Carrots, & Potatoes

Saturday Breakfast: Cinnamon Bun Pancakes (I still haven't made these yet!!)

Saturday Lunch: Caprese Pizza

Saturday Dinner: Dinner Date in Fort Worth then Billy Bob's

Sunday Lunch: Last Sunday Lunch

Sunday Dinner: BLT's & Chips


  1. You're going to love the Cinnamon Bun Pancakes!! Made them again this weekend...AMAZING!!!

  2. My Monday/Tuesday routine is all sorts of out of whack -- bring back McLinky, lol :o) My meal planning is suffering!
