Wednesday, April 14, 2010

sneak peek

Here's a sneak peek of the mommy/son photo session I did today!!


  1. So cute! Those blue eyes really pop! Good job Katy! I'm sure it wasn't hard getting a good shot with those two good-looking people!

  2. I lOVE it!!!! you are so talented!!

  3. Seems like you have developed the same interest in photography that I have (we even have the same camera haha). I love that you are putting yourself out there to develop a portfolio, that's really awesome! I would love to take that risk someday, but it makes me nervous! Your pictures are great! :)

    Here's my question: how do you know how to pose people for the pictures? Did you just look through a lot of pictures to get ideas, or do you just have a natural eye for that? That's the part that seems hardest to me, knowing how to set the people up to actually take the picture.

  4. Great picture. You are awesome!
