Friday, May 21, 2010

day 2-at sea

Our day included.....

 a delicious breakfast with friends, 


 laying out, 
lunch with friends, 

more laying out, 

a nice long afternoon/evening nap, 

a lobster and steak dinner with the whole gang, 
a late night comedian show 

and of course we were greeted by another towel creature.  
We weren't quite sure what he was, but isn't my husband good lookin'?  Man I'm a lucky girl!!

Side Note: I did NOT do a very good job at taking pictures on this cruise.  First of all I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do and of the pictures I took, most of them were with my point and shoot rather than my DSLR.  I ended up using my point and shoot more than my DSLR because it fit in my little purse and I always had it with me.

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