Wednesday, July 28, 2010

crazy coupon lady

Yesterday was a crazy day.

I taught summer school from 7-4, quickly ran a few errands from 4-5:30, tutored at my school from 5:30-7:30, ate dinner at my parents house then finally went to the grocery store at 8:30.

First of all, I never grocery shop that late.  Second, I never grocery shop on Tuesday (the last day of the sales).  And lastly, I was already stress from a crazy day.  I had my list though and I was all prepared to snag a few deals really quick.  

I quickly learned why I don't wait until Tuesday night to grocery shop, because all the things I was going to get for free were completely sold out.  Obviously this frustrated me and it took me a little while to re-vamp my shopping list since the sale was "Buy 10 participating items Get $5 off".

About an hour later, I had all my stuff ready to buy.  I got up the cashier and realized I couldn't find my little zip-loc baggie of coupons. I instantly freaked out.  I almost started crying, but I calmed myself down.  I had to tell myself that "it's only coupons and it's really not a big deal".  I literally searched every aisle up and down.  People looking at me probably thought I was searching frantically for a lost child or something.  After no luck finding it in the aisles, I really almost lost it.  I mean it really was like a bag of money.  I didn't give up though.  I started to look closely in all the areas that I shopped in and I finally found my baggie of coupons hanging out with the cheese.  I had set them down in the refrigerator box while comparing two items and left them there.  I'm so thankful that no one stole them because my $84 grocery bill went down to $32 because of those coupons.  

I really felt like the  crazy coupon lady after that grocery shopping trip!!  


  1. I feel your pain Katy! I lost my CVS card, then by the time I got a new one, I had lost my ECBs that were still good! It was very stressful. I'm glad you found yours!

  2. Glad you found your coupons. Love you Crazy Coupon Lady!
