Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my dvr is a little full

Fall TV starts this week!! I'm so excited!!

**I promise I don't watch TV every night.  I usually end up watching a ton these shows while Matt watches college football on Saturday and NFL football on Sunday.

Here's what's on my DVR....
(This is a new show that Matt and I are trying out this year.)
What is on your DVR??


  1. Unfortunately I do not have DVR, but the shows that I am currently watching are...House, Chuck, Glee, and the Office. If I get a chance, I enjoy watching dancing with the stars!

  2. Hi! I wanted to introduce myself and couldn't figure out to how send a message to you privately (I don't know if that's even possible through blogger or not..) Anyway, I love reading your blog and trying your recipes! I am a newlywed living in North Carolina (Originally from Northeast Texas and went to A&M for a couples years(WHOOP!)before transferring to NC). I didn't want you to think I was some weirdo stalker reading your stuff..haha! I enjoy reading about you and your adventures in marriage...if you're interested, you can check out my blog at sethandkait.blogspot.com...

