Thursday, December 02, 2010

baby's first photo

We had our first sonogram on November 18th, when I thought I was 8 weeks 4 days pregnant.  When they measured the baby, I was measuring 9 weeks and 3 days along.  This is why they changed our due date from June 26th to June 20th.  

My doctor only does two sonograms during the entire pregnancy.  The first one is at 8 weeks to check and make sure everything is okay and the second one is at 20 weeks to see if it's a boy or a girl.  I'm kind of bummed that I only get to see our sweet babe 2 times during my pregnancy, because I know some friends who have had sonograms all the time.  I'm trying to look at the positive side though.  My Mom didn't have any sonograms with me and my brothers, so I get two more than she had.  And, if we aren't getting sonograms, then we aren't paying for sonograms.  I guess our checkbook will thank us later!!

Our next sonogram is scheduled for February 3rd, and I can not wait!!


  1. This is totally random... I saw your blog link on Lauren Roberson's blog, and I wasn't going to comment but she said you wouldn't think I was crazy :). Anyway, I saw your ultrasound picture this morning and we go to the same doctor's office! Do you go to Dr. Watkins or Dr. Farrow? I see Dr. Watkins, and I absolutely love her. I'm due on February 25th with our first (a little boy)! What a small world! Congrats on your pregnancy!

  2. I think my doc only does two sonos too. It's so fun to look at them and see what they're doing!!! Does your insurance not pay for your sonos? I can't wait to know what you're having!! Aunt Ashley can't wait to spoil him/her.

  3. Congrats again Katy!! I saw that someone else had asked you this, but I noticed your Dr, as well....Dr. Watkins is my husbands aunt!!

  4. Look at my sweet little nephew/niece!! What a sweet little bean!

  5. YEA!!! :) So exciting!

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Congratulations...and I love reading your blog. :)

