Sunday, January 02, 2011

diaper deals

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I've kind of taken a break from couponing.  I would take a few coupons to the store when I grocery shopped, but I definitely didn't do any "deal shopping".  The great thing about couponing is that I only had to buy food while I took my little break.  I never ran out of toilet paper, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, toothpaste and any other personal items.  I'm so stocked up on all that stuff that I didn't have to buy any of that on my 3 month couponing hiatus.  

Today I spent a little time printing some coupons (on my new wireless printer!!) and planned out a shopping trip to CVS and Walgreen's.  I would say it was pretty successful considering I got 2 packages of Huggies diapers for only $2.31.

Here's how I did it.......
CVS Trip

1st Transaction
**Buy any 2 Revlon Beauty Tools get 7EB back

Revlon Nail Clippers-$3.19
Used $1 coupon
Revlon Nail Files-$3.19
 Used $1 coupon
-1.50 EB

Total: $3.12
Got back 7EB

2nd Transaction
*Buy $10 of Listerine, Reach or Rembrandt Products get 5EB back
(I did this deal two times)

Rembrant Toothpaste-$7
Used $3 coupon
Rembrant Toothpaste-$7
Used $3 coupon
Reach 2-pack toothbrushes-$3
Used $1 coupon
Reach 2-pack toothbrushes-$3
Used B1G1 Free coupon (-$3)
Used 7 EB from previous transaction

Total: $3.09
Got back 10 EB

3rd Transaction
*Buy Huggies Diapers Get 1EB
*Buy 3 Extra Gum Packs Get 1EB

3 Extra Gum Packs-$2
-Used B1G1 Free coupon (-$.67)
4 Palmolive Dish Soap- $.88
-Used 4 $.25 coupons (-$1)
Huggies Diaper 36 ct.-$8.99
-$2.50 coupon
-10 EB from previous transaction

Total: $.37
Got 2 EB to spend next week!!

Walgreens Trip

1st Transaction
*Buy Nivea Shave Gel Get 3RR

Nivea Shave Gel-$3.99
Used $1 coupon
(the lady behind the make-up counter had a stack of coupons for this item!)

Total: $3.24
Got back 3 RR

2nd Transaction
Huggies Diapers- 36 ct-$6.99
Used $2.50 coupon
I had to buy this "filler item" to use my 3RR.

Total: $1.94

Total Spent on Everything: $11.76

The two pack of diapers alone at full price would have cost $24!!  Yay couponing!! 

It felt so good to get back in the groove of couponing and still know how to get good deals.  I hope I can find lots of good deals on diapers this year so I can stock up before our sweet babe even gets here!!

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