Wednesday, January 12, 2011

floating cherry cobbler

My Mom and Grandma have been making this easy cobbler recipe for years.  Last night I needed a quick and easy dessert recipe to take to a dinner party.  I knew right away that this was the recipe I was going to finally try.  I only had to buy one ingredient for this recipe.  If that doesn't say easy, I don't know what does!!

You will need....

1 stick of butter

1 cup sugar

1 cup flour

1 1/2 tsp. baking powder

3/4 cup milk

1 can of fruit (any kind)

1/2-3/4 cup sugar (opt.)

1 tsp. vanilla


Be sure to buy these kind of cherries, and not cherry pie filling like I did!!
The only ingredient I had to buy, and I bought the wrong thing! Can I blame that on pregnancy brain?? Fortunately, my grandma had an extra can of cherries that I could borrow!!

Melt margarine in a pan large enough for the cobbler.
Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, milk and vanilla.  Pour the batter over the melted margarine.
Pour the can of fruit (do not drain) over the batter and sprinkle with sugar (optional).
Bake 30-40 minutes (or until the crust is golden brown) at 350 and the crust will magically float to the top.  
The six of us at our dinner party ate every last bite of the cobbler.  
This dessert is so good and super easy to make!!



  1. Yum! I need a dessert next week for a get together and I think I might just make this :)

  2. That seriously looks super yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe b/c I'm sure we'll have to make this sometime and soon!!!

  3. I'll have to try this since Jonathan is a cherry lover. I don't think I can adequately describe how much the guy loves cherries!

  4. I am NOT a cobbler fan. I just can't do my fruit at a warm temperature. But my family LOVES them, so this just might be easy enough to give it a try....for them, of course. :-)

  5. Joel loves cobbler and cherries. Now if only I had an excuse to make it :)

  6. Carissa ( This too looks like a good recipe!
    4 days ago

    Lisa (
    4 days ago
    That sounds great!! And so does the cobbler from yesterday!!! My husband and I are on a strict diet right now but as soon as we are off this silly diet I am trying both of those recipes!!

    I am enjoying reading your pregnancy updates!! Congratulations!! We have another grandbaby coming in July! Can't wait!

  7. Howard Family Est. June 23, 20
    4 days ago
    Joel loves cobbler and cherries. Now if only I had an excuse to make it :)

    Meredith - proud mom of THREE!
    4 days ago
    I am NOT a cobbler fan. I just can't do my fruit at a warm temperature. But my family LOVES them, so this just might be easy enough to give it a try....for them, of course. :-)

    Tammy (
    4 days ago
    I'll have to try this since Jonathan is a cherry lover. I don't think I can adequately describe how much the guy loves cherries!

    Alicia (
    5 days ago
    That seriously looks super yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe b/c I'm sure we'll have to make this sometime and soon!!!

    The Fants (
    5 days ago
    Yum! I need a dessert next week for a get together and I think I might just make this :)
