Tuesday, February 15, 2011

my boys

You know when you get engaged and it's so exciting to say my fiance

and then you get married and it's so exciting to say my husband?

I know it sounds silly, but I'm so excited about saying my boys once Pearson gets here!!

When Matt came home from work he had not one Valentine's Day card for me but two.  
One from each of my boys. 

Matt has always had a way with words.  I've never been much of a card person, but Matt always picks out the most perfect cards, then writes the sweetest notes in them.  I love getting cards from Matt.

The note he wrote in my card brought a tear to my eye, but when I opened up the card from Pearson I just lost it.  {silly hormones} It was the sweetest thing ever.  

It said....

Dear Mom,

      I am kinda new to this but Dad suggested I send you a card to let you know that I love you.  Thanks for providing such a cozy home for me the past few months.  It's a little wet but I just move over into the corner and it feels great.  Dad says you are a great cook and I have to agree (especially a couple of weeks ago when you kept me really full).  Well I think it's time for another nap since I still have a lot of growing to do.  Don't worry, I will give you a little kick and wiggle later to let you know I haven't forgot about you.  You're a super good mom so far and I can't wait to see you in a few months.  Love you lots! 

                   -Baby Pearson

Oh my goodness.....I just love my boys!!


  1. That is so sweet! I am also looking forward to saying "my boys!"

  2. I am not even pregnant and that made my eyes water.

  3. That's my boy! So proud that my son is loving, kind, thoughtful, sensitive,and a strong godly man all rolled into one super father to be!

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    SOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet! So glad you share this kind of stuff...we would never hear about it from him! LOL!
