Wednesday, February 23, 2011

our little matey's room

I picked out this pirate bedding way before we knew we were having a boy.  
I knew I wanted black furniture, but there aren't a lot of boy bedding sets that go with black.  Everything has brown.  When I saw these cute little pirates, I knew this was it!!  I love how it can go with both a nautical theme with the ship and a jungle theme with the palm trees.
I went ahead and ordered it when I was just 11 weeks because it was on back order.

Unfortunately, I found out a few weeks ago that it is on back order until May or June.  I just can't wait that long for this bedding.  I want his nursery done by the end of March.  

I looked for different bedding, but I couldn't find anything I liked so my Mom and I decided that we are going to make it.  {Well, I'm not going to make it, my Mom is.  I just helped pick out the fabric and design it!!}  She is a FABULOUS seamstress, and I know it is going to turn out super cute.  I love the fabric we have picked out and I love how we changed it up a little bit.  It's going to precious!!

I can't wait to share the real thing with you, but for now this will have to be a "sneak peak" of what our little matey's nursery will look like.  


  1. It is adorable!!! :) So unique, and I can't wait to see what your Mom does!!!

  2. Lolly is definitely talented, so sweet Pearson's room is going to be SO cute!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Are the accessories for the room on back order too? I can't decide on a theme for this baby. I think me & Lolly will just have to hit the fabric stores and come up with something. I want dinosaurs for a boy.

  5. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I LOVE it! Your mom will do an amazing job with it!

  6. Love it! If I can help Lolly with anything let me know. Pearson is going to have the cutest room ever!!!

  7. So cute! My mom made our bedding too :) Not only will it be unique, but special too!
