Thursday, March 31, 2011

my 2nd spring break

 This past week Matt and I took off Wednesday through Friday for a little R&R in Bella Vista, Arkansas with his family.  We went out there for Matt's cousin's wedding on Saturday but it was nice to relax for the days leading up to the wedding.  I literally did nothing.  I didn't even take a single picture. Okay maybe I didn't do absolutely nothing, I did get a pedicure one day!!  Matt on the other hand squeezed in 4 rounds of golf in 3 days.  He was in heaven!!

Here are a few pictures I stole from my father in law from the beautiful wedding on Saturday!!

Me and Matt
 The beautiful bride and her new hubby!!
 The Link Family cousins. 

 We had a wonderful time celebrating their Big Day and we definitely enjoyed making a little vacation out of it!!


  1. i kept meaning to post my "must have" ;) jon and i agree three kids awesome mattress for the crib. don't skimp! they spend a lot of time there!

  2. Hey, I have the same photo on my blog but my eyes aren't closed!!
