Saturday, March 19, 2011

sneak peak: pearson's nursery

I'm sooooooo excited to be getting rid of the ugly yellow room {that I accidently painted TOO yellow} and trading it in for a sweet baby blue nursery!!

It's been so fun to see his room start to come together!!

We having the nursery painted {and the living room/entry}April 2nd, and our rocker/glider & ottoman will be in anywhere around April 9th-April 23rd.  So once we paint, get all the furniture, and all the decor up, I'll post pictures of the whole room.  

Until then, here are a few sneak peeks of the things my Mom and I {and the help of my MIL one day} have been busy making this week!!
 {Please ignore the yellow walls and the curtain rod that is too low.}


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Y'all are a talented bunch!!! Your mom should design her own baby bedding!!!

    This is precious!!!

  2. I can't wait to see it all together! What I have seen thus far is absolutely adorable!

  3. Love what I see already!!!! :)

  4. I love it!! I can't wait to see what it looks like. I bet it is super cute and cutier than the one you ordered!! I know your mom is so talented!! We need to have a phone date soon..I have been thinking about you alot and can't wait to cmoe visit you in Dallas with Pearson in your arms!!
