Monday, April 18, 2011

31 weeks

how far along?  31 weeks
how are you measuring?  33 weeks
size of baby? According to Baby Center our baby is 16 inches long, about 3.3 pounds, and like the weight four navel oranges.  But since he was already 3 pounds at our 28 week sono, he's probably a little over  3 pounds now.
heartbeat? 140 bpm (at our 30 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +27 lbs
maternity clothes? Maternity clothes all the way!!
stretch marks? Still no stretch marks.  I don't know if it's in my genes to not get them or if it's because I'm rubbing my belly down with lotion religiously.  
sleep? I dread going to sleep every night because it's just not as restful anymore.  I never know how many times I'm going to wake up to go to the bathroom, or wake up with a Charlie Horse or to turn over and adjust my pillows.  This is all preparation for those late nights in the beginning I guess, so I better get used to it!
best moment this week? I bought  lot of cute things for Pearson's nursery on my day off, scheduled my maternity pictures and I got all 3 invitations to my showers coming up!!
movement? Lots of squirming and wiggling this week.  He especially likes to move around when I get home from school and right before I go to bed.
food cravings? None.  
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!  Pearson Davis Link!!!
what i miss:  I really miss working out.  I have been taking it easy because of the pain I have been having in my belly.  It hasn't hurt this week, but I'm afraid if I over do it and work out, it will all come back again.  
what i'm looking forward to: Our glider should be here by Saturday, so that means Pearson's nursery should be finished this week!! I'm SOOOOO ready to see his room totally come together.
how are you feeling? No belly pain this week.  It was amazing.  My doctor thinks it was just a really bad muscle pull.  

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I was wondering if the weight gain was purposefully left blank :) You look absolutely fabulous and are such a beautiful pregnant lady. I gained 48 with Eden and was back down to pre-preggo weight by 5 months so don't sweat it! Enjoy your time to sneak in an extra cookie or two ;)Looking back, I should've snuck in a few more! Haha!
