Friday, April 08, 2011

five on friday

Just thought I would share 5 random things with you today!!

1.  I put a roast in the crockpot this morning for dinner.  I love coming home and smelling dinner already cooked!!  

2.  Softball season starts tonight.  Matt and I have played together for the last 3 years.  I won't be joining him this year.  I'm kind of sad to not be playing, but I'm excited to be taking on the role of Team Mom!!

3.  I got a cute little step stool delivered from Amazon today.  I'm going to paint it black and make a vinyl that says "Pearson" to put on it.

4.  Izzie has started getting toys out of her basket and playing by herself.  It's the cutest thing ever.  I think she knows there's about to be someone in the house that is going to steal her playtime.  I keep trying to get it on video, but I haven't been successful yet.  Hopefully I can catch her in action soon.

5.  8 more weeks of school!!  We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!!


  1. Yes! We need to make Pearson's vinyl! Start thinking of colors you would like and font type. If you want another color besides white or black I can order it. Just let me know!

  2. I had roast Thu! It was yummy! Maggie my Beagle gets toys out of her "basket" ALL THE TIME! It is so cute! Can't wait to see Pearson's nursery!!!!!!!! :)
