Monday, April 04, 2011

meal planning monday

Monday: Dinner @ My Parent's House

Tuesday: Chick-fil-A on the way to our 1st Childbirth Class

Wednesday: Turkey & Cheddar Paninis & Coupon Class Goodies

Thursday: Chicken Chili Crescent Bake

Friday: Roast, Carrots, & Potatoes

Saturday Breakfast: Cinnamon Rolls

Saturday Lunch: Chick-fil-A.....again!! :)

Saturday Dinner: Chicken Parmesan, Spaghetti, Salad & French Bread

Sunday Lunch:  Sonny Bryan's w/ Our ABF

Sunday Dinner: Frito Pie


  1. katie... i may have asked this before...but what do u do with leftovers? i feel like even when we eat them again for lunch we STILL have to much...and i only cook 3 times a week bc of it!

  2. Let me know what you think of that chili chicken crescent sounds delicious!!

  3. Are you having a coupon class soon? I've been trying my hand at more extreme couponing using a couple different blogs and such, but might benefit from a little schooling.

  4. I made the taquitos today & they were great. I used her Taco Chicken recipe on Friday night & used the leftovers for the taquitos. I added some avocado to her dip recipe. I could just drink it, it was so good. A definite make again.
