Wednesday, May 25, 2011

calling all mommies:babywearing

This week's topic is.....

There are a ton of different ways to "wear" your baby these days.  

So my question this week is......

Do you have a sling, a carrier, a moby wrap, or something else?
Do you like it?
When do you use it?

Have you ever heard of Seven Slings?
I don't know anything about this sling, but I got a coupon in the mail for a free one (a $39 value)!!  I just had to pay shipping ($11.95). My coupon said "**While supplies last.  Share this promo code with a friend.  So if they still have them, go to Seven Slings and enter the promo code "TX2" to get your own Seven Sling!!


  1. Well, you saw my blog post raving about my Moby wrap - love it! I haven't worn it as much lately since she's older and bigger. I've been curious about the Seven Slings - they've had at least one free sling promo a month for ever since I was pregnant (probably before then). For that reason, I'm almost a little leery. I'll be curious if you get any response from someone who uses one as I've often wondered.

  2. I use our Baby Bjorn carrier most often, but I also have two slings- a 'Munchkin Jelly Bean' that was a gift and one Seven Slings that I got from a similar promotion. The Seven Sling is very simple, literally just a circle of fabric with a slight contour to fit your body. It folds very nicely and it stays in my diaper bag without adding much (if any) bulk. Nice to have a sling on hand at all times, and definitely worth the small price. If I'm planning to use my sling while I'm out or just walking to the mailbox, I opt for the nicer one, because it's more comfortable.

  3. I didn't ever really wear Dylan, as he was the only baby and Adam was home for the first 7 months, so... but I did have a Slinglings sling. He used that once, and I felt like he was going to fall out all the time. I also had a Bjorn. He liked that, but I've read so many things about how bad they are for babies hips and things so when I saw Angelpack's on, I got one. I hope to wear baby #2 more, and probably will have too because I'll need to tend to Dylan! I LOVE IT though, it holds babies up to I think 30 or 40 lbs. Dylan is 18 months and not ever 20 yet, so I'll get some good use out of it. I usually just use it when he is being cranky and wants to be held but I'm doing something like cooking dinner. We actually used it this past weekend at In and Out! It was WAY too crowded for a stroller, or him to walk around so we strapped him on Adam's back and he was a happy boy! I love that the Angelpack is front and back carry. You should check them out. Ive also heard great things about Beco carries, but don't have any experience. They are VERY similar to Angelpacks.

  4. I was given a sling (not sure of the brand), a Baby Bjorn, and a homemade Mobi Wrap. My sis-in-love cut 5 yards of T-shirt fabric, folded it in half, and finished the edges. It's slightly thinner than a Mobi Wrap but a lot cheaper! I used that for the first 3 months. It is great for keeping the little one snug against your chest, allowing your hands to be free. I used it when we traveled to Washington DC and it never hurt my back at all. Once she hit 3 months, she was too big and heavy for the fabric to support. We started using the Bjorn after that and we LOVE it. It will hurt your back after awhile but we figured out that if you balance yourself by wearing a backpack at the same time it's great. My hubby carried her around this way during our trip to NYC. Eden HATED the sling and still won't tolerate it. I'm not sure why but it just hasn't worked for us so I'm glad we had some other options! :)

  5. I never used one when he was little, but when he got older and we started traveling with him I got a seven sling. I had the code for a fee one too. It works really good for the amount we use it. We use it to get through security at airports and on vacations when we have to park the stroller anywhere. It is simple and really compact which is perfect for what we needed. It isn't the most comfortable, but it does the job. So I suppose if you plan on using one a lot you should get a nicer one. But, this one would be good as a backup. Also, kid to kid has a carrier section and seen baby Bjornes there for a good prove. They might have moby wraps too.

  6. Their promos go on forever. Never pay full price for one of these if you decide to buy one. This is where I got my hooter hider I was telling you about and only had to pay the shipping. I had something similar with Carson and used it one time.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I use an Ergo, & we love it. You can carry your baby in the front, back or side (but he faces you, & doesn't dangle). It has snaps & adjusts so both Josh & I can wear it. It also has a hood so you can cover baby's head if it's real sunny or if he is sleeping. It distributes the weight really well so it's not a strain on your back. Elliot loves being carried. They aren't cheap but you can find used ones pretty easily, or occasionally there are deals on or

  9. MOBY wrap all the way. I have the Bjorn, and a sling similar to Seven Sling (something about a Peanut) but none compared to the MOBY. Easy to wash and easy to wear and so comfortable. Especially when she was first born, I felt like she was really protected and safe the way it tied her so close to me. HUGE fan and highly recommend.
