Saturday, June 11, 2011


Feeling Pearson move around inside of me has been one of the coolest feelings I have ever felt in my life.  I know it's something I'm going to miss when he is here.  

**Please ignore my very white bare belly with the big ugly dark line down the center, but I want to remember this feeling forever. 


  1. I love it. That brought back lots of memories to every mommy that watches. I'm so glad you got that on video! You will miss that feeling, but it will so nice to hold him in your arms. I can't wait! (Your dad is in Little Rock this morning so hopefully he'll be home soon.)

  2. Thanks for sharing that! And I love the choice of music to go with it! Someday hopefully I will be able to feel that same thing. Can't wait to meet him very soon!

  3. Katy - that is great!! Made me smile!

  4. I love this!!!!!!!!!!
    The credits were so touching too.
    You really will kinda miss that feeling. It is such an amazing thing. But then, being able to see Pearson smile, feel him grab your hand, hear him laugh... those are all amazing too. Almost there!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I loved it!!!! I can't wait for that feeling too!!!

  7. that's incredible!!!

  8. That is so I was watching it, I could totally remember the feeling. It truly is incredible and I do miss that!!!


  9. Wow...he moves SOOO much!! How does he even have room to move that much anymore?? Can't wait to meet him - NEXT WEEK!!!

  10. That was my FAVORITE thing about being pregnant! I can't wait to do it again!
