Wednesday, July 20, 2011

calling all mommies: fussy time

Now that Pearson and I are getting into the swing of things at home, I'm going to get the "Calling All Mommies" series back going.  

This week's topic is.....


Almost every day from around 5-8, Pearson is fussy.  Nothing really makes him happy.  I know this is very normal, but it's frustrating because it's the time that Matt gets to spend with him.  I hate that he's so sweet for me during the day then fussy when Matt gets home.  It's also while I'm trying to prepare dinner and then while Matt and I try to eat dinner.  

So my question is.....

What do you do to keep your baby happy during that "fussy time"?
When did the evening "fussy time" go away?


  1. As weird as it sounds...Carter LOVED to be in his bouncer ON the dryer :). You'll just have to try different things and find out what soothes him. Carter also liked being held in one arm on his tummy (so his head in my hand and legs straddling my forearm near my elbow). Those were the only 2 things that worked - his was mostly colic though, so it is a little different.

  2. I agree that you'll have to try different things and see what works. Also be aware that sometimes what worked one day may not work the next and vice versa. The first couple months have a lot of guessing. Like I mentioned on your FB, we had to take turns prepping dinner (we didn't do much actual cooking that first couple months) and even eating it. There was always one of us that held her tightly and rocked her in her glider or did whatever else worked that day (baby wearing, etc). We also keep ear plugs handy (sounds horrible but it helps you keep your cool which in turn helps baby calm down). I don't really remember when she grew out of it - probably sometime around 2 or 3 months. It wasn't that long ago, but it's already a foggy, sleepless haze. You'll figure it out and if you don't, it'll be over soon anyway. :)

  3. Know that it's totally normal for the evening hours to be particularly fussy. It helps me to be reminded of that often. :) He's battling being tired but also wanting to be in on the action. He'll require less and less day time sleep soon, and then his naps will tide him over until bedtime. I don't think there is a magical age for this, but it certainly gave me a goal to work towards.

  4. I went back and looked because I knew I had a post with the same question. Look at the comments here for more info,

    I would try to prep dinner while he was sleeping because it would stress me out to try to cook while he was really fussy. I would try to go outside alot because that seemed to calm him down.

    Know that is goes away.. in the moment I know it seems like this is your life forever. Hang it there girl!

  5. I know I am not a mommy, but I heard that colic can be worse in the evenings from some friends that just had a baby... something about a rule of 3? I googled it and here is the link... I'm not a mommy and I am not at all trying to speak on matters which I know nothing about... but just thought I'd throw it out there... :)

  6. Hang in there Katy! I don't have any advice obviously...:) You are such a good Mommy!

  7. We walked and walked and walked outside! For some reason being outside was my best bet when Eden was fussy (5-6 or so PM for her!). Although it seemed like it would last forever at the time, she was over it by 7-9 weeks. He will grow out of it so just pray for patience in the moment ;)

  8. Have you tried taking him outside? Isabelle really didn't have fussy time when she was little but now when she is fussy this works like a charm. My little nephew loved it too! I would just have Matt take him out on the porch (if you have one that is) or take a quick family walk. My mom says they have nervous energy at the end of the day b/c their little immature nervous system has been over-stimulated. Not really sure if that is true but I will go with it! Good luck!

  9. I agree about the baby-wearing. I wore Isabelle while I cooked dinner and it kept her calm and happy! It does hinder the cooking process though!

  10. Braden's fussy time is identicle to Pearson's. Thank God for the swing though! He loves to soothing music, constant motion and the light display overhead! (By the way, if you have idea who I am, I left a post under your meal planning monday post... that will explain it!)

  11. Oh fussy time...swing and outside worked wonders for us with both boys. Cade was especially fussy/had colic and we would set his bouncy seat in front of the open back door. Worked everytime.

    Just remember its just a short season! I feel like it peaks at 6 weeks and is pretty much gone by 3 months.

    You are doing great!

  12. Try taking him outside. Kaden LOVES it! We go for a walk almost every evening. When Micah gets home, we eat quickly (sometimes in shifts), then go for a family walk. We usually put him in the stroller, but sometimes Micah will hold him so they can bond some. We also do bath time cause Kaden likes it so much. Let Matt bathe him so they have time together. That's what works for us. I doesn't last too long. I think Kaden is already starting to come out of it.
