Sunday, July 17, 2011

carson is 3

My sweet nephew, Carson, turned 3 today!!!
His Mommy took the cutest picture of him on his 4 wheeler {that he loves} and I just had to steal it.  Isn't he precious?  He really is so fun right now.  He talks up a storm and has a question about everything.  I am such a proud aunt!!

Yesterday we celebrated his birthday at his house.  He is obsessed with Cars {the movie}, so he had a "Race Car Party".  He brought his invitation over to me two weeks ago and every time he saw me in between he would ask if I was coming to his Race Car Party.  He was so excited about it.  We didn't get to stay for presents and cake but I did get some sweet pictures of him playing on the blow up water slide.  
Happy 3rd Birthday Carson!!  

Uncle Matt, Aunt Katy and your cousin Pearson love you so much!!  

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize him and Olivia would share the same bday month! :) FUN!
