Tuesday, July 26, 2011

our little niece {Olivia Reese}

My brother and his wife welcomed their new little baby girl into the world today!
And Carson is a BIG brother!!
Meet Olivia Reese St. John

She was born at 2:02pm.  She weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long.  
We went to dinner with my parents tonight and then headed up to the hospital to meet her!
Olivia and Pearson are 5 weeks and 5 days apart.  They are going to have so much fun growing up together!
Lolly and Pops with all their grandkids.  
Can you tell that they are just a little bit proud??


  1. How fun to have another cousin to grow up with. You can see how much Pearson has changed in those 5 weeks 5 days, when he is next to her!

  2. They have a life of memories to make together. SO fun that they are so close in age!!

  3. HOW CUTE!! She is a doll! :) Pearson and her are going to be cute together growing up! :) Congrats!
