Wednesday, August 31, 2011

lil buddies

One of my roommates from college, Kristen, and her baby, Thomas came over today for a "play date." I put play date in quotes because our babies can't exactly play yet.  We enjoyed catching up and talking about all things Baby & Mommy though!!  I love staying home with my little guy and seeing him all day long, but it sure was nice to see and talk to another adult during the day.  

Take a look at our little cuties.  
Their poker faces don't really show that we had a good time, but we did!! 

 We got Thomas to smile, but Pearson was as serious as could be.  
They had no idea they were even sitting next to each other.  It was precious!
Cute, huh?
I look forward to many more play dates with Kristen and Thomas watching our precious little boys grow up together.  They are going to make great little buddies.  

Monday, August 29, 2011

And the lucky winner is.....

The lucky winner of the Erin Condren Giftcard is.....

Ashley @ My Sew Called Life

Ashley- E-mail me at katymlink (at) gmail (dot) com and we'll work out the details to getting this to you!!

And here's the proof!!
True Random Number Generator  
40Powered by RANDOM.ORG

meal planning monday

Monday: Lasagna, Zuchinni, Caprese Salad, & Garlic Bread

Tuesday: Out to eat with our Dating Group

Wednesday: Talapia with Shrimp Bayou Sauce Rice & Asparagus

Thursday: BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Veggies & Rolls

Friday: Tin Star Tacos, Rice & Beans

Saturday Breakfast: Breakfast Burritos

Saturday Lunch: Grilled Cheese, Chips & Fruit Salad

Saturday Dinner: Chicken Spaghetti

Sunday Lunch: Tacos

Sunday Dinner: Labor Day Cookout @ The LeBlancs

Saturday, August 27, 2011

a little taste of summer

Since Pearson was born right in the middle of summer, he hasn't gotten much of a chance to really experience the pool.  We took him last week and again this week though.  I'm trying to give him a little taste of summer so he'll be ready to go the pool all the time next summer!!
 Soakin' up the sun.
 {with lots of sunscreen on, of course}
 Even though my baby is pasty white, I think he's pretty darn cute!!
 He loved the pool.

 He didn't scream when we got out of the pool this time.  

 He actually gave me some sweet little smiles.  

Such a sweet baby!!
Today was just a little taste of what a fun summer we are going to have next year.  

happy birthday emma!

Happy 9th Birthday Miss Emma!! 

We had so much fun celebrating with you today!!

Uncle Matt, Aunt Katy, and Pearson love you so much!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

dinner with the fam

**Pardon the quality of the pictures.  They were taken with my dinky old point and shoot since I didn't have my big camera with me!

Last night our whole family got together to have dinner.  Everyone was there, my parents, both of my grandma's, my big brother and his little family, and my little brother and his girlfriend!!

Pearson loved all the attention he got.  He is so lucky to have met two  of his three great-grandmothers!
Nonnie & Pearson
Carson was so cute with Pearson.  He is used to talking about his little sister Oliva, so he kept saying "Can I push her?" and "She wants to swing!".  It was so funny hearing him call Pearson a her.  
When I laid Pearson on the floor Carson got a "blanket" for "her".  It was actually a quilted runner my Mom had as decoration.  Ha! Such a helpful cousin.  
Carson kept asking "What can Pearson do?" and "Can he play with me?" Sadly, I had to tell Carson that Pearson couldn't do much and he doesn't really know how to play yet.  Pops came to the rescue though and brought a bucket a cars to play with.  Carson loves cars, just like his Daddy and Pops.  I can't wait until Pearson can play cars with them, too!!
Pearson got some extra lovin' from Daddy while the boys played.
Lolly & Pearson
Lolly & Pops and Pearson
Before we left, Mom got some really good smiles out of Pearson.  She would stick his feet up right to his mouth and we would get some big smiles everytime!!
I love having my family so close.  It was nice to go over there for dinner to see everyone then come back home to our own beds!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

iPhone rewind

I saw this idea on another blog and I thought it was a great idea considering I have over 200 pictures on my iPhone just since the beginning of June.  I don't always post pictures from my iPhone on my blog, facebook or twitter, but some of them just have to be seen!!  So my iPhone all rewound to June.


A diaper wreath for my niece Olivia.
 Our last date, 2 days before Pearson was born.
Yup, our ABF can get a little sometimes. We played Minute to Win It and these girls had to stack Ding Dongs on their forehead.
Relaxing on the couch the day before Pearson was born.
 The very first picture I have on my iPhone of my little guy.
 My "new Mommy breakfast" that I had everyday in the hospital.
 Wide awake at 3am in the hospital.
 Funny face and my pretty pedicured toes.
 My boys napping in the hospital. 
 Sooooooo sleepy. 
 Sweet boys. 
 Pearson's first nap in his crib. 
 My little old man!
 We gave Pearson the paci for the first time at 2 weeks.  It took up his entire face, but he loved it!!
 Whatcha lookin' at? 
 Baby long legs.
 Sleepy sweet!
Sleepy little man. 
 I love these little morning grins. 
Snuggling with Mommy after naptime.  
My little swaddle baby.   
 Nothing would calm Pearson down one day, so I just "wore" him around and he was happy as could be!
Smile for the iPhone!! 
Pearson makes the funniest little faces! 
 I seriously can't enough of these big smiles!
 Passed out after a trip to Sonic.
 Little Sunday morning nap before church.
My other "baby" at the vet. 
Pearson loves to suck on his fingers and fist but hasn't really figured out how to suck on his thumb. 
 Pearson loves his mobile.
 My sleepy little guy that would not take a nap. 
Swaddle by Daddy gone wrong! 
I love those chubby little cheeks. 
All snuggled up for a morning nap.  
How many of you actually made it to the end of this post? Ha!

I think I'm going to do an iPhone rewind at the end of each month so I don't end up posting 30-something pictures in one post!!