Saturday, August 27, 2011

a little taste of summer

Since Pearson was born right in the middle of summer, he hasn't gotten much of a chance to really experience the pool.  We took him last week and again this week though.  I'm trying to give him a little taste of summer so he'll be ready to go the pool all the time next summer!!
 Soakin' up the sun.
 {with lots of sunscreen on, of course}
 Even though my baby is pasty white, I think he's pretty darn cute!!
 He loved the pool.

 He didn't scream when we got out of the pool this time.  

 He actually gave me some sweet little smiles.  

Such a sweet baby!!
Today was just a little taste of what a fun summer we are going to have next year.  


  1. He is so very cute!

  2. He'll absolutely be ready for next summer. I love his hat...he's adorable.

  3. Fun, fun and so cute!! We haven't had Adelyn to the pool yet, but def want to before summers over!
