Saturday, August 20, 2011

first swim

We've been at Matt's parents all weekend and loving every minute of it.  Pearson has been so good since we've been down here.  I fed him last night at 7:30 then put him to bed around 8:30 and he didn't wake up until 7:30!!  My little 9 week old went 12 hours at night.  Unbelievable!! We just might have to come to Grammy and Grandaddy's more often.  

This afternoon we all took a quick dip in the pool.  It was Pearson's first time to swim.  
I was pretty sure he would like it since he likes taking a bath.
 We didn't get any smiles while we were in the pool, but we also didn't have any tears.  
I would say our first swim was a success!!  Until we got out....
He wasn't really a fan of getting out and drying off.   
He screamed and screamed until I got him changed out of his diaper and back into his clothes.  He crashed in about 2.5 seconds and then took a 2 1/2 nap. 

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun having you guys come to visit. Hope that this will be the beginning of many summer swims times at Grammy and Granddaddy's house!
