Monday, August 01, 2011

great grandparents

Once a month my parents church serves all the "old folks" lunch and puts on a program.  It's called Happy Circle.  While my grandma was up there this morning she called and asked if I would come up to the church with Pearson.  Nonnie was dying to show him off to all of her friends at Happy Circle.

Nonnie is a pretty proud Great-Grandma.
My other grandma & grandpa were up there too.  Oma & Joe were so surprised to see us up there.  
I'm so happy that my little guy made their day!!


  1. How fun! I am sure your family had such a fun time showing off and loving on little P! Plus I love that you have an Oma too:)

  2. Very proud looking great grandparents! Pearson looked adorable. Love seeing picures of him but it makes me miss him so much. He's growing so much. Hope Mema will get to hold him soon. I know it would just thrill her!
