Tuesday, September 27, 2011

pearson & his mobile

If I need 20 or 30 minutes to get something done while Pearson is awake, laying him under his mobile is a sure fire way to him totally content.  I love to listen to him talk to his mobile.  

Sorry this video is a little long, but I just can't get enough of all his sweet talking!!

**I'm not sure why the video is all fuzzy.  I'll have to fix it tomorrow because I'm off to bed!!


  1. So cute! I have posted before and you were so helpful so I am hoping to try again! Did you design your own blog layout? If not would you mind sharing who did - I love it! I am looking to reformat my blog and just do not have the time/tech savy to do it my self (a friend did it for me the first time). Thanks. Feel free to email me back at jordandance@yahoo.com

  2. So cute! This is exactly what Hudson does with his. I love that I can leave him in there for a while and he is so happy. Pearson is such a cutie!
