Tuesday, October 04, 2011

go rangers!!

Pearson and I went to Bible Study at the church today.  
I'm not going to lie, I was really excited to drop my fussy baby off in the nursery for an hour and a half.  And today was actually the Bible Study luncheon afterwards so he was in the nursery for 2 1/2 hours.  I think we just needed a little break from each other because he has been such a sweet baby this afternoon.  He's evening napping now as I type this.  

But that's not what this post is about.......

I keep up with the Rangers all season long because Matt watches every game, but I don't really watch all the games.  When the playoffs roll around though, it's a different story.  I'm right there with Matt watching all of the games.  I'm really not digging these afternoon games though.  It's just not the same to watch the game without Matt.  Yesterday the game was at 4pm and today it's at 1pm.  It's really weird sitting at home by myself watching the game.  I'm wishing Matt could be home to watch it with me.  

I made a little video this afternoon with our little family! 
{and a stranger....just ignore him} 

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