Saturday, October 29, 2011

happy fall ya'll

Happy Fall Y'all!!!
It's finally starting to feel like fall.
And we sure are enjoying this real fall weather here in Texas.
I took Pearson over to his cousin's house to take a few picture in a pumpkin.
My sister in law carved this pumpkin for Miss Olivia to sit in.
And I just had to steal her idea and take a few pictures of Pearson.
Of course we got zero smiles.
 But oh my word, is he not the cutest little pumpkin!!
 Love my little pumpkin!!
Happy Saturday and I hope you enjoy this beautiful fall day!!


  1. Pretty cute. Just a warning... I'm not steeling your idea but I bought a pumpkin the other day to do this very thing. So you may be seeing a Lucas pumpkin vey soon ;) Happy Fall!!

  2. I saw this idea on Pinterest the other day and thought it was so cute!

  3. Sweet boy! We are doing this today!
