Wednesday, October 26, 2011

once upon a time....

The turnout for Fall Festival wasn't that great last year because it fell on the same day as Game 1 in the World Series.  We decided to stick with the same this year so we could reuse all our stuff!!  We were afraid the turnout was going to be even worse this year when we found out it was the same day as Game 6 in the World Series this year.  Thankfully God had a hand in the situation and made the weather cooperate in St. Louis to get the game cancelled and made the weather beautiful for us here in Texas!!  

Again the overall theme was Once Upon a Time and we went with The Wizard of Oz as our booth theme.

Last year we were just Dorothy and the Yellow Brick Road. 
(We actually knew we were expecting here, but we kept it a secret that night!!) 
This year we got to add a sweet little Cowardly Lion to the family!! 
 Pearson loved hanging out with the Tin "Wo"Man and the Scarecrow. 
 We did a Ding Dong Walk again and the kids loved it.  We told them to just "Follow the Yellow Brick Road".
Here was one of our Emerald City Citizens and another Scarecrow.
 And of course we had Todo and some Munchkins.
 My little lion had to take a break to have some dinner.
 Pearson loved to look around at all the things happening at our Fall Festival.  
 It's going to be so much next year when he can walk around and play some of the games!!
Happy Fall Festival from Purpose!!


  1. Pearson is the CUTEST little lion!!!

  2. cutest lion I ever saw! :)

  3. SO CUTE KATY!!!!!! Pearson is adorable!

  4. We walked by your booth, but I only saw Matt, Bummer! I love the little addition to the Wizard of Oz Cast--precious!!
