Sunday, October 02, 2011


I guess it's official.....we are no longer Honeymooners.  

For the past {almost} 3 years we have been in an ABF at our church called the Honeymooners.  Today our class multiplied and all the couples with children {which happens to be only us right now}, couples with babies on board or thinking about having babies soon, and couples who have been married 1-3 years came to our new ABF, Purpose.  Matt and I have the honor to be co-directors of this new class with The Hoopers.  We are excited to embark on this new adventure with them!
We came up with the name Purpose for our new class because our teacher has said over and over in lessons that we have two purposes in life.  

Purpose #1- Have a relationship with God. 

Purpose #2- Relate to others in such a way to help them accomplish Purpose #1.

There is rarely a week that goes by that George doesn't mention Purpose #1 and/or Purpose #2, so we thought it was a very fitting name for our class! 

 We are looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for our new class.  

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