Thursday, November 03, 2011

pumpkin carving party

Last weekend Pearson and I went over to Brittany's house for a pumpkin carving party.
One of my sweet friend's Faith, whom I hadn't seen in forever, brought her little girl Stella.

Pearson didn't really notice Stella.

Stella definitely noticed Pearson and started making her moves.
Isn't Stella precious?? I approve of her as a future girlfriend!!
Finally Pearson noticed the little cutie. 
And they couldn't keep their eyes off of each other.
 Pearson was so sad when Faith took her away to feed her.  Where did she go??
 While Faith and I were taking care of the babies, everyone else had already started carving their pumpkins.

{Tiff & Wit}
{Brooke & Blair} 
I let Cathy (who is going to be a grandma in March) love on Pearson while I carved my pumpkin. 
I brought a little pumpkin because I hate digging out all the guts.  Good thing I have a son that will probably love doing that for his Mommy someday!! 
 I thought my ghost pumpkin turned out pretty cute!!
 Thanks for having us over Brittany!!
 We had a great time!!

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