Saturday, December 24, 2011

christmas eve

We celebrated Christmas with my immediate family Christmas Eve afternoon.  
Last year it was just Carson.  This year there are three grandbabies!! 
Each Christmas is just going to get more and more fun!! 
Pearson knew just what to do with the presents.  Rip it open and eat the paper!!
Carson is not into taking pictures this year, so I tried to snap a few when I could, even if he wasn't smiling.  
We gave him a fun little mask and cape with a C on it, but he wouldn't look at me.  He was being shy.
Pearson got lots of fun things, but he really loved playing with his guitar from his cousins.  
Matt got an electric razor.
I got some TOMS and I love them!!
Matt and Pearson got a special present from my Mom and Dad.  My Mom was in the attic cleaning it out and came across an old Baylor sweatshirt that my Uncle had given me when I was little.  It is a little big, but it will be perfect for Pearson to wear to his first Baylor basketball game on Wednesday night!!
Thanks Lolly and Pops for all the fun goodies!!
After we celebrated with my family, my Dad's side of the family came over for dinner and gifts!!

Oma, Pearson, & Joe
Oma & Joe and the 3 great grandkids!!
All the celebrating wore Pearson out.  He NEVER falls asleep when he is around people, so I know he was tired.  
I went ahead and changed him into his Christmas PJ's while we were there.  Isn't his little bum so cute?
We usually go to the Christmas Eve service but it just didn't work out this year, so I'm looking forward to going to church with my family tomorrow since Christmas is on a Sunday this year!!

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