Wednesday, December 21, 2011

kidney stone.....

So this is random......but I passed a kidney stone this morning.

Wanna see it?  

I'm sure you probably don't, but I'm going to show it to you anyways!!  

Pretty crazy huh?

I'm sure you don't really want to hear the story about it either, but I'm going to tell you anyways.  It's my blog and I want to remember all the crazy little things that happen in our lives.....including the time I passed and kidney stone and didn't even know I had one. 

So Monday afternoon I got a "catch" in my back.  I had been sitting on the couch all day long helping a friend set up her blog.  I just figured I had sat on the couch in a funny way and my back was just hurting.  It kept hurting all throughout the day kind of off and on.  I didn't really think much of it because I usually get a funky "catch" in my back once a year or so.  No biggie.  Well later that evening, we went to dinner with some friends.  My back was still hurting off and on, but I wasn't in enough pain to leave dinner.  After dinner we went over to their house and I couldn't seem to get comfortable on the couch.  No matter how I sat my back just kept hurting worse and worse.  I then started to feel nauseas.  I had no idea what was going on with my body so I told Matt that we had to go home.  On our way home, I seriously felt like we were driving to the hospital again to have a baby.  The pain in my back was very similar to the back labor pains I had with Pearson.  (Not as intense, but very painful.) When we got home, Matt had to put Pearson down for bed while I sat by the toilet feeling like I was going to throw up.  I laid in bed with a heating pad on my back for quite some time.  I was finally able to fall asleep but I'm pretty sure I didn't move a muscle all night because it hurt so bad to move.  And to add to the back pain, I woke up with cramps.  All day Tuesday, my back pain and cramps were off and on, so at this point, I really had no idea what was going on with my body.  Wednesday morning I nursed Pearson in bed and while I was nursing I felt a really strong urge to go to the bathroom along with a really sharp pain.  As soon as I was finished feeding him I went to the bathroom and heard a "ping" in the toilet.  Sure enough a little stone had come out.  I had never had a kidney stone but I thought that it looked like one.  I got online to read all about symptoms and sure enough back pain and abdominal cramps are some of the symptoms.  I called the doctor and told her all my story and she told me she was 99% sure that I had passed a kidney stone because all my symptoms were totally gone.  She said I could have gotten a kidney stone for a million different reasons, but it could have very likely been related to my funky postpartum/nursing hormones.  

So there's the story......I had a kidney stone.  Kinda crazy, but in a weird way, I'm kind of proud of myself for enduring the pain and not even realizing what was going on.  I guess having a baby increases your pain tolerance, because I'm pretty sure I would have had Matt take me to the hospital the first night that my back hurt so bad! Ha!! I'm hoping this was a one time thing and I don't continue to get them, because it wasn't fun.   


  1. I've always wondered what a kidney stone looked like. :)

  2. I'm actually really happy you shared! I've ALWAYS wanted to know what a kidney stone looked like and goodness sakes my urethra hurts for you! I've heard of a lot of women getting kidney stones after having a baby and I was always scared I'd get one too... sounds like you took it like a trooper though!

  3. Welcome to the kidney stone survivors club!! I battle with them quite a bit and they are never fun...

    Way to be a trooper!

  4. oh my word Katy!! I've never had one but that sounds painful!
