Wednesday, December 07, 2011

lunch with my boys

Pearson and I went to visit Santa at Northpark today.  

{more on that tomorrow} 

While we were in Dallas, we headed over to Matt's office to bring him lunch.  
The last time we went to his office was 3 months ago.  Look how much Pearson has changed!!
We brought him Chipotle again.  Pearson didn't get any Chipotle, but he did snack on Daddy's nametag for quite a while. 
 We couldn't even get him to look at the camera because all he cared about was Daddy's nametag. 
Love those chubby cheeks!!
Oh my goodness and I love those boys!! 
 Pearson checked up on some of Daddy's work while he was there too.
 As we were leaving we took a picture with the giant Christmas tree in the lobby.  It was huge!! And beautiful!!
What a fun lunch date!!
We are already looking forward to our next lunch date.....which might even be in a few weeks when we take gifts to all of his employees!

Eeeek.....I better get on that and get on Pinterest and figure out what I'm going to give them.  

Any ideas??


  1. SO CUTE! I can't believe how much he has changed! :) You are awesome for making his employees something! There are so many cute ideas on there! Are they women? there was one with a whisk filled with hershey's kisses and a cute note! :) You will find good ideas I am sure! You are crafty! :)

  2. Super cute! Love the side by side pic of your boys - it is an amazing difference. Curious to hear about your Northpark Santa experience. I want to take Naomi, so maybe I can learn from your trip. :)

  3. I'm doing Bakerella's cookie mix jars for John's co-workers.

  4. So cute..

    I saw that tree a few days before Thanksgiving.. It was gorgeous in person.. :)
