Sunday, December 25, 2011

pearson's first christmas

Pearson actually slept later than normal on Christmas morning.  He didn't wake up until 8am, which was nice, but it kind of made us have to rush to make it to church by 10:30.  

Santa brought hand-me-downs this year.  Pearson's cousin that is 2 years old passed down a great table top toy and riding/walker toy.  We thought Santa could use the break and just give hand-me-downs this year!!
I was surprised that Pearson could sit on his toy so well.  
He really liked all the buttons on it.  I can't believe he's going to be scooting around on it soon!!
He can't stand on his own, but he loved playing with his table top toy while I was holding him.  
It won't be long before he can stand and play with it on his own!
Since we had already had two Christmas celebrations, Pearson knew just what to do with the presents.  
Isn't he just precious in his little Santa PJ's?
We probably could have saved our money and just given him paper and boxes because that's what he seemed to love best!!
Christmas was so much more fun this year with a little one around.  Matt and I had so much fun watching him open all of his presents.  
Pearson's favorite present was his little tool bench. He loves all the lights and songs its sings.  It is so cute to watch him play with it!!
We had such a great Christmas together as a family of three.  
Since Christmas was on a Sunday this year, I toned down my big Christmas breakfast and just made Monkey Bread. good!!
We had to get ready quick for church but we made it.  Thankfully we didn't have to go far because we went to church with with my parents here in town.  
Merry Christmas from The Link Home!!


  1. I love Pearson's cute little santa outfit! What a special Christmas with your little guy! Merry Christmas!

  2. What a sweet Christmas! Looks like a perfect morning. :)
