Thursday, December 15, 2011

so I was wondering.....

So I was wondering.....
Do you think Santa will come see me even if I don't eat my green vegetables? 
 Those things are nasty!!
 Nasty, nasty nasty.  They even made me gag.
 I guess I'll try them again tomorrow though and see if I like them.


  1. Love these pictures. He is just too funny. I had fun watching him play the other day.

  2. Elliot still doesn't like his green vegetables!

  3. This makes me laugh...especially when I picture the gagging;)

  4. I love that snarled nose face. I remember all 3 of ya'll gagging at green peas. There's just something about their consistency that makes you gag. Notice I never MADE you eat them. Surprisingly your dad & I both like them fine.

  5. I love that snarled nose face. I remember all 3 of ya'll gagging at green peas. There's just something about their consistency that makes you gag. Notice I never MADE you eat them. Surprisingly your dad & I both like them fine.
