Sunday, January 08, 2012

christmas in january

We celebrated Christmas with Matt's side of the family.  We had to postpone our Christmas with them because Matt's grandma was very sick. Thankfully, we are happy to report that she is doing much better!!

Pearson loves seeing all of his cousins......especially Ellie.  He loves to play with her and really love to pull her pretty brown hair!!
The cousins
{Peyton, Ellie, Emma, & Preston}
 Pearson got some good stuff.  He got some super cute jammies, bath toys, a fun book, some snap-it toys, and some Baylor gear.  
 The girls of the fam!!  I sure do love my sweet mother in law and sister in laws. 
The baby boys with Grammy and Grandaddy.  I think Pearson is ready to start playing with Ethan!
And here's just a few more pictures from our afternoon.
 And are these not the cutest little Converses you've ever seen?
My first grade teacher (who happens to go to my church) gave these to Pearson.  Her son painted them.  Aren't they cool?!!? 

Alrighty, Christmas is officially over now.  

This Christmas was so much fun!! We loved having a little one to celebrate with this year.  I'm already looking forward to next Christmas when P-Man will be 18 months.  How fun will that be??  I'm going to have to figure out how to keep Pearson out of the tree but it's still going to be so much fun!!

Oh, and I already bought 3 Christmas presents for next Christmas.  I am determined to finish my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving this year!!


  1. What a sweet family and sweet cousins for Pearson to play with... especially if they let him play with their hair:) I am so happy to hear that Matt's grandmother is doing better. That is such a blessing!

    Also I too agree that this year (knock on wood) all presents will be bought before Thanksgiving and no last minute shopping! We shall see.
