Wednesday, January 18, 2012

project life {week 2}

Week 2 is in the books.....errr book.  

I know it's only been 2 weeks, but I am loving Project Life so far.  It really is SO simple.  I'm not stressing out about making anything fancy.  I'm just plopping the pictures in and journaling about our week.  It took me no longer than 30 minutes to put this all together. 
  It is such a good feeling to be on top of things and not fall behind.  I hope I can keep up with my one page a week.  I plan to jot down notes all week of what we do then plan out my page on Sunday evening.  I will print pictures and work on my page either Monday or Tuesday (depending on whether I have MOPS or not on Monday) then post on Tuesday.....hopefully!! 
I'm still waiting for the Design A and Design D page protectors to be back in stock so for now some of my pages aren't in page protectors.  I actually think they look better in the pictures with out the page glare!!
When I decided to do Project Life, Matt's first comment was "How much is this thing going to cost me?"  I am going to try really hard to make this a very inexpensive project.  Most of the extra supplies I'm using I already have in my stash of scrapbooking stuff.  I'm going to do my best to not purchase anything else other than more page protectors (when they are back in stock) and pictures each week.  

Here is what I've spent on Project Life thus far......

12x12 3-ring binder- $11.99
Cobalt Core Kit- $24.99
12 pack of Design B Page Protectors- $6.99
Date Stamp- $4.79
Ink Pad- $4.89
Week 1 Pictures @ Wolf- $0.42
Week 2 Pictures @ Target- $0.87

Total: $54.94

See ya next Tuesday with Week 3!!

The Mom Creative


  1. This looks fun and easy... even for a non-scrapper like me! (But I feel like I should wait until we have kids to do it because we're entirely too boring right now. :))

    Too cute!

  2. I want to start this, but a lot of items are out of stocks. I read that they should be back in stock by Feb. Hope so!! I'm already behind!

  3. Gorgeous weeks!! Love the teething caption because that is so true!! Also love how you used different page protectors and labeled the cards with the day stickers!!

  4. This really seems like such a great idea and an easy way to remember all of your wonderful memories! SO SWEET:)

  5. I really would like to do this...I have some other projects to start!

  6. Just waiting on my Project Life products to show up...can't wait. Love your pages!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love all of the rounded edges on your pictures! What do you use to do that? I also love your date stamp, where did you find that?

  9. looks great! I have spent WAY too much on this PL obsession I have...I have discovered I love washi tape, and the other kinds of page protectors and using my label maker...and ON AND ON :)
