Wednesday, February 01, 2012

30 errrr....19 days of photos

Well, it's a good thing I didn't make a resolution to take a picture every day, because I definitely failed. 
I did so good on my Photo A Day challenge until the 19th, and then I just completely fell off the bandwagon. 

Here are the pictures I did take though.....
Would I be crazy to try to take on the February Photo Challenge????
I think so. 

But I think I'm going to do it anyways.

Starting tomorrow......a day late. Ha!  Oh well!!

I might even try to catch up on all my January photos too.  

We'll see. 

Happy February!!!

And here are my catch up photos........


  1. I did a horrible job at posting mine in Instagram! I'm doing the February challenge also though. :)

    Where did you get Pearson's bath seat? I've been looking for one for Hudson.

  2. I love these photos. I think you should catch up for January and continue on. You'll be glad you did.
