Monday, February 06, 2012

p's new tricks

Pearson started clapping and saying/waving bye-bye a few weeks ago.  I've been wanting to get it on camera, but of course he always gets camera shy and won't do it when I have the camera out!  Matt was able to catch him on camera tonight.  It's terrible quality because the lights are off, but it sure is cute.  We'll have to try again during the day to get a clearer video.  But for now this will have to do!

Enjoy our little cutie's new tricks!!!


  1. Aw, what a cutie!
    I love the how they always wave to themselves at first. Ah so cute!!

  2. So Cute! It is amazing how fast he is growing!

  3. Love that I got to see him perform his new tricks in person Sunday. What a smart cute little grandson I have!

  4. Yay Pearson!!! You'll have to teach your cousin Olivia to clap and wave tonight @ dinner!

  5. Aww Yay Pearson!! That is so cute!
