Friday, February 10, 2012

random friday

Here's a few random things for ya on this Friday night.........

1.  I bought Pearson a big boy carseat last week and it's been sitting in our living room because I'm trying to decide when to make the switch.  Our Maxi Cosi infant carrier only goes up to 22 lbs and Pearson is getting close to 20 lbs.  I think he'll be more comfortable if we just switch, I'm just dreading having the giant seat rear facing.

2.  I think our "non-mobile" days are nearing an end.  Pearson is really starting to figure out how to move.  He's definitely not crawling, but I wouldn't quite call it an army crawl.  He's just finally figured out how to move forward in a funky way.  He's going to be crawling before we know it and then he'll be all over the place.  I'm going to miss these days when I can plop him on the floor to play and know he won't go anywhere!!
3.  I took Pearson to Story Time this morning.  He LOVES it.  I love to watch him listen to the stories, clap to the songs and stare at the puppets.  Today he let out a really loud burp during the middle of the story.  He's all boy!!
4.  My sister in law (and her kids) came over this afternoon and we traded favors.  She dyed my hair for me while I made some subway art for her.  I need a haircut but I don't want to spend the money right now so dying it will tide me over for a little while.

 5.  I may or may not have gotten ready this afternoon after my sister in law dyed my hair just to take my February picture of the day, since it was "self portrait".  Well that and I hate my hubby coming home to me looking like I just rolled out of bed, so I try to get ready most days.  Today it just didn't happen until late this afternoon.
6.  I think we are in round 2 of teething.  He won't let me into his mouth to see if any teeth are coming in, but he's showing lots of signs of teething again.  He has been super fussy in the evenings this week. I had a headache this evening and he was in a mood so I stuck him in his stroller and let him watch a Praise Baby video!!  
7.  We have absolutely zero plans this weekend and I'm looking forward to it!!  Looking forward to some quality time with my boys.  Matt and I are watching 127 hours right and I'm pretty sure I'll be going to bed before 10:00.  Exciting life huh??
Happy Friday to you!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. love that phone cover... where did you find it? i am obsessed with chevron!

  2. That's the same convertible we have, I think! Dylan army crawled for three months before he actually did it right! So you might have a little more time, they don't get fast for a while! I'm unpressed you get dressed everyday! Adam is lucky if I am not still in. Jammies!

  3. We made the switch to our britax boulevard at 11 months from our maxi cosi and I wished we had switched earlier. It actually fits in my sedan better than the infant seat. Isabelle did not grow out of her maxi cosi so we waited a while. She is just now too tall for it (but not too heavy)! I hope Pearson likes his new seat!!
