Saturday, March 17, 2012

a high school reunion wedding

Last night we dropped the little man off at my parent's house so we could have a night out.  
We went to a wedding of one my friend that I have known since elementary school.  
 She married a guy from our hometown so it was basically like an 8 year high school reunion.  I hadn't seen some of these girls in so long.  These were some of my best friends growing up.  It's so weird that we are all grown ups now.
I got to see my sweet friend Jamie and her husband Oliver.  I hadn't seem them in forever since they live out in West Texas.  They are expecting their first baby in August so it was fun to talk baby stuff with her!!
Brittany and Preston were there too.  It's always good to see my best friend from high school/college roomie/maid of honor.  We just live 30 minutes apart but we don't get to see each other near enough! 
 Despite 3 tables falling at the wedding (2 of which had dinner on them), we had a great night catching up with old friends.  
I'm so thankful my Mom was able to keep Pearson even though he is a little sick, so we could have a night out with friends.  


  1. How fun! Glad you had a good time.

  2. ahh!! 3 tables fell!?
    that's fun that you got to catch up with all your old friends again :) I haven't seen a lot of my school friends in fooorever!

  3. Tables falling? uh oh!

    Hometown weddings are always fun! :)
