Sunday, April 29, 2012

iPhone rewind {april}

It seems like this month most of my iPhone pictures were either my Photo A Day pictures or pictures that made it in another posts.  Here are the few stragglers that never got posted!!

An albino bluebonnet.
 Not happy about taking a nap. 
 This is Pearson's response when I tell him to say Mama!!
 Reading the Easter story with Pearson.
 Fishy Face
 Off for a walk with my parents. 
 Pearson loves avocado.  
 Splashing at the pool. 
 Playing after Story Time. 
 I love the walking trail in our neighborhood. 
 Pearson is obsessed with the dog cage. 
 I got a pedicure on Saturday while my MIL watched Pearson.
 Meeting Miss Myla for the first time!!


  1. That albino blue bonnet is so cool!

  2. Hudson is obsessed with Oliver's cage also!
