Monday, April 09, 2012

meal planning monday

I haven't been doing all that well at sticking to my meal plan lately.  We have been going out to eat more than we usually do and with a crazy fast crawling baby I just haven't been in the mood to cook.  I can't remember the last time I tried a new recipe.  It's been awhile.  I'm going to try to try some new recipes this week.  I need some new good staple dinner, so if I made a "Link-Up" at the bottom of the post next week, who would be interested in joining?

Monday: Chicken Poppyseed & Salad

Tuesday: Fish & Chips

Wednesday: Rotisserie Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, & Rolls

Thursday: Slow Cooker Caesar Salad Sandwiches, Chips, Fresh Fruit & Poppyseed Dressing

Friday: Bowtie Fiesta

Saturday Breakfast: Cinnamon Toast

Saturday Lunch: Nachos

Saturday Dinner:Barbecue Chicken Pizza

Sunday Lunch: Sandwiches & Chips

Sunday Dinner: MOPS & POPS Date Night


  1. I know exactly what you mean...

  2. I would totally link up. I need some new recipes too. Joel is such a picky eater its hard to cook for him.

  3. I'll link up! I always need new ideas!

  4. I'll link up! Michel and I are notorious for eating the same recipes, so I would love to change it up a bit :)

  5. I don't know what link up means, but I make at least one new recipe a week from my pinterest collection... not sure if you follow me on there, but I have lots of good ones!!

  6. I will link up. Making dinner just doesn't have much lately. It's usually sandwiches or take out. Do a link up party for quick easy recipes
