Wednesday, April 18, 2012

project life {week 15}

Happy Project Life Tuesday.....errr Wednesday!!
Highlights this week: Date Night In, Table food, Long naps, Family Pictures, MOPS & POPS Date Night
{Sorry this pictures is a little blurry!!}
Highlights this week: Garage Sale Find, Cousin Playtime, Walks, a Haircut, Having a Garage Sale
I couldn't decide which family pictures to use so I added an insert with a few more of my favorite.  I just printed 6-3.5x4 pictures at Wolf Camera and backed them with matching paper! I used these 6x12 protectors I bought off of Amazon. 
 Cost this week: Free Prints @ CVS and $0.78 prints @ Wolf Camera

The Mom Creative


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    really lovely pages, love your garage sale finds photo and journaling!

  2. Love your pages.. I really like how you used the stickers to talk about everything you got at the garage sale! What a great idea:)
