Sunday, June 17, 2012


Any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a Daddy. I am so blessed to have two amazing Daddies in my life.  

My Daddy
And my baby's Daddy! ha!!
{This picture was taken last year on Matt's first Father's Day which was the day we took Pearson home from the hospital.}

It has been an amazing year watching the sweet relationship between my boys grow.  Pearson sure does love his Daddy!!
This morning we gave Matt his Father's Day present before we went to church. I put together a little golf themed gift in a scrapbook paper covered 6-pack holder. 
 I filled it with Titleist Pro-V1 golf balls recovered from my parents backyard, a BU golf polo, a golf giftcard, peanut butter M&M's and a cute little T-shirt for Pearson that says Daddy's Caddy!!
After church we ate lunch at Tin Star then came home and napped.  For dinner we all went to Matt's sister's house for Steaks with all the family.  We had a great day celebrating all the wonderful Father's in our lives. 

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