Thursday, June 07, 2012

dress code violation

Apparently there is a dress code at the Rec Center.  Who knew?  Not me!  
{Ignore the stains of my t-shirt. They didn't give me a dirty shirt, I just wiped my face on it and got make-up all over it.}

I was running on the treadmill and one of the Rec Center workers came up to me and told me I had to have sleeves to work out upstairs.  I don't think it helped that I had on the most noticeable neon yellow shirt.  He offered me a t-shirt to put on over my sleeveless shirt, and he said I could keep it.  So atleast I got a free shirt out of my dress code violation. 

It's just such a bummer that I have to work out in t-shirts.  I have having sleeves.  Plus I just bought this new work-out outfit and I would have bought the yellow shirt that had sleeves if I had known.  Grrrrr. Plus, I think a t-shirt makes me look about 10 pounds heavier.  

Oh well, I guess I'll just use this as an excuse to go buy some cute work-out outfits......with sleeves of course.  


  1. You REBEL! Haha, love it. I remember at our gym in college we had to have sleeves too. I thought it was because I went to a Catholic University, but I guess not! What a silly, silly rule!

  2. Maybe it's because of those sweaty folks that that don't wipe down their machines :)

  3. What in the world?!? I have NEVER heard of that rule before! What gym do you go to? That's pretty annoying

  4. That's wild! Whay gym do you belong to?

  5. that is CRAZY!! And what a bummer to have to workout with sleeves all the time.
    I think the rule is simply to keep other gym go-er's jealousy down from from seeing your rockin shoulders. ;)

  6. Plano rec is the same. I violated it a time or two...that's right, I walk on the wild side. I usually would just bring a thin sweater to put on in the weight area. One time they came on the PA and told me to put on my sweater. It was pretty embarrassing.

  7. That's a crazy rule! So sorry you have to work out in t-shirts from now on!

  8. that's insane!!!! lame ;)

  9. That is insane! I like your new outfit though:) where do you work out?

  10. I just HATE this rule! I too have totally been caught in this type of dress code violation. I was even given a "shirt" to wear that was a 2XL. I had to switch shirts with my husband so I could even work out! Crazy. Keep up the good work! You look amazing!

  11. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Thats such a random rule. Did they at give you a valid reason why?

  12. the exact same thing happ. to me last year when I was a member there! I was like "ummm..Ok!" got the free tshirt too! :)

  13. That is crazy! I can't work out in sleeves either. I would definitely be rolling up the sleeves on my t-shirt too!
